Programs on Side 1 of your START disk
Now you can
create custom dialog boxes and menus for GFA BASIC using GFA Companion,
by John Holder of Marathon Computer Press. This product, which recently
sold for $49.95, will give your programs that professional flair. GFA Companion
is easy to use and generates source code SO YOU can customize your user
interface.File COMPAN.ARC; runs in medium or high resolution.
Create your own personalized word-search puzzles with Word Puzzle Designer by Earl Toman. You can enter and edit your own word lists and even use the on-screen editor to design your own patterns. The Word Puzzle Designer archive file also contains some sample files. File WORDPLZL.ARC; runs in medium or high resolutions.
Ron Schaefer's ATTACK! will really keep you moving! Fly your Attack Fighter through the desolate scenery of an alien landscape, destroying the enemy fighters as you negotiate Energy Towers for fuel and Charging Domes to increase your shield strength. This game is definitely a "keeper!" File ATTACK.ARC; runs in low resolution.
Learn Morse code faster using this set of 14 Dah-Ditter code lessons by John Allen. These discourse files were specifically designed to teach you letters according to their sound and order of frequency. File LESSONS.ARC; requires Dah-Ditter from the February 1989 issue of START.
Programs on Side 2 of your START disk
This month on the back side of your disk, START features B/STAT, a graphing and statistical analysis package by Bob Wilson. B/STAT is compatible with Lotus, Multiplan and .DIF spreadsheet formats, so you can analyze data created with other programs. Statistics functions include normality tests, descriptive statistics, correlation, ordinal tests, nominal tests, distributions, analysis of variance and more. If you like this shareware program the author requests a contribution of $30; B/STAT may be freely distributed.
Note: B/STAT was written in GFA BASIC 3.0 and requires the GFA BASIC run-only program, which must be un-ARC'd separately from the front side of the disk. You must Prepare this file onto a double-sided disk, since BSTAT.GFA is over 400K in length. File BSTAT.ARC; B/ STAT runs in medium and high resolution and requires a megabyte of memory.
START continues its commitment to bring you the full source code to feature programs from previous issues of START. This issue we present the complete Alcyon C source code to Avecta I: Ebora. Avecta, by Mark Swanson, is a complete graphics adventure game published in the September 1989 issue of START. (The executable code for Avecta and necessary data files are only available on that issue's disk.) See the README.DOC file in the Avecta Source archive file for compile instructions. File AVECTSRC.ARC; the game Avecta runs in low resolution.